Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Why is it Important to Understand Our Relationship with Food?

Once we understand what food and eating means to us, we can come face to face with why we are overweight and why we stay that way.  In the Diet-Free Alpha State Weight Loss System we take you through a mental exercise where you start to understand those answers.  Understanding what is at the core of your eating style, habits and your weight, sets the stage for the script you will listen to during your Alpha State training and your nightly training with the CD that is customized for you.

Believe it or not, some people overeat and want to be overweight without even thinking about it.  They are hiding behind their weight subconsciously.  The weight becomes a protection for them in a sense.  To lose the weight is like exposing themselves to something potentially emotionally or physically dangerous.
Others overeat because it gives them a sense of freedom.  There are no boundaries and restrictions as were perhaps given them in their childhood or youth.

Some people associate food with events or childhood feelings.  They use it as a grieving for a loss that happened years ago, without even realizing it.
Once we come face to face with what food means to us, we begin to understand more clearly our choices.  At that point we can change the relationship we have with food, and build a new one that includes us being thin.  It's very eye-opening and puts us on the path to self-awareness and weight loss and control. 

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