Thursday, March 24, 2011

Shifting out of a Diet Mentality

Most of us have been so indoctrinated by the diet mentality of the world that the diet-free approach to weight loss seems like it can’t work.  We are so entrenched with the,  “I must see pounds coming off right away or it isn’t working” thinking that we won’t stay with the new way of life long enough to see the results.  

If you find yourself thinking this way you must understand that it is hard to make the shift from always thinking what you can eat or cannot eat.  Whether you can have a hamburger or ice cream or choose the low cal/low carb “cardboard” substitute for food. You’re worried if you’ve gained weight on the trip, or over the holiday.  Will your Capri pants fit or not in the Spring when the Winter months are over?  These are all universal thoughts and concerns you might be having. 

Several comments are coming back from new participants who have been in the program for 1 week, “I’m trying not to try.”  

“I’m not sure about this; I’m worried that I’ll gain weight if I don’t worry anymore.  So, either way I’m worried.”

“Can this really work?”

“It’s hard not to step on the scale.”

This demonstrates the mentality that so many of us have adopted over the years: that losing weight has to take serious effort and sacrifice.  Yes you do have to change the way you eat to lose weight but you will do that naturally as you go through the program.  You will not worry if you eat a donut, etc. because you will do less and less of that as you go.  You will start to really consider whether you want to eat the less healthy choice or the real, live food, and you will choose the live option. 

Our brains are designed to take care of us, to keep us alive and to do so as comfortably as possible.  When you worry about food it sends a message to the brain and body that there is trouble and the survival mechanisms kick in or continue to operate.  You are quite literally keeping yourself fat by worrying about being fat.  STOP WORRYING! Relax! Take a load off (literally) by not fighting it.  This is the most liberating feeling you will ever have, but you have to let it happen.

“It’s nice that the pressure is off!”

Remember, this is a money back guarantee if after the 3 month program you have not lost weight.  So, keep on going and watch your thinking transform.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Research Shows: Neurofeedback is an 'Evidence-Based' Treatment for ADHD

We thought we'd share a clip from a press release that was published in 2009. 

NIJMEGEN, The Netherlands, July 16 /PRNewswire/ -- Neurofeedback - also called EEG Biofeedback - is a method used to train brain activity in order to normalize Brain function and treat psychiatric disorders. This treatment method has gained interest over the last 10 years, however the question whether this treatment should be regarded as an Evidence-Based treatment was unanswered until now. Tomorrow a study will be published in the scientific journal 'EEG and Clinical Neuroscience' demonstrating that Neurofeedback can indeed be regarded as an evidence-based treatment for Attention Deficit- / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Neurofeedback is a treatment where real-time feedback is provided for specific brain activity (most often EEG) in order to learn the brain to suppress or produce specific brain activity. This method was initially discovered for the treatment of Epilepsy and from 1976 investigated further for the treatment of ADHD. This technique has become more popular by clinicians worldwide, and is currently provided for the treatment of several disorders. Critics have often questioned the efficacy of Neurofeedback and whether it can be considered an Evidence Based treatment or not.

In collaboration with researchers from Tubingen University (Germany), Radboud University (Nijmegen, the Netherlands), Brainclinics and EEG Resource Institute a so-called meta-analysis was conducted on all published research about Neurofeedback treatment in ADHD. This meta-analysis included 15 studies and 1194 ADHD patients. Based on this study - which will be published in the July issue of EEG and Clinical Neuroscience - it could be concluded that Neurofeedback can indeed be considered an Evidence-Based treatment for ADHD. The results show that neurofeedback treatment has large and clinically significant effects on Impulsivity and Inattention and a modest improvement of Hyperactivity.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Neurofeedback Discounts?

Q - Do you ever run an introductory special like the one talked about on Studio 5?

A - Periodically we do offer "GroupIt" specials where new clients can try Neurofeedback at an introductory price.  However, they are not scheduled regularly.  The best way to find out about any specials is through email, so you'll want to make sure you join the email list by clicking on the "Get Email Updates" arrow at the top of the right column on this blog.  The specials are usually open to anyone who has not participated in GroupIt before.  Even existing clients can join in on a GroupIt special if they haven't in the don't let waiting for a "special" hold you up if you're serious about trying can still participate if and when we run the next GroupIt.

We also offer discounts for package deals which saves between $10-20 per session.

Help Without Medicating!

Watch Studio 5 Clip
Neurofeedback is for kids too! If you're like most parents, you want to help your child succeed in any way possible. If you feel you've tried methods that just aren't working, you should strongly consider unlocking your child's potential with this safe, non-invasive approach.

If you find that your child struggles more than most to learn concepts, comprehend subjects or reading, suffers from a lack of follow-through, forgets assignments, gets frustrated easily when tasked with certain assignments, or has a difficult time following instruction…this may finally be your solution!

The neurofeedback approach is fun for most children as they view cars racing, spaceships jetting through tunnels, or tailored sets of images just for them. It's very easy to do for children of all ages, for teens, and adults. All ages benefit from the approach.

"Neurofeedback has been a miracle! Two months ago we were considering adding additional medications for our 6 year old son, but now most of his concerning symptoms are gone! This has been the answer we've been searching for. My son is improving in school, with friends, and at home. But, most importantly, he is happy!" - Mother of 6 year old ADHD/Aspergers patient.



What can Neurofeedback help?
Neurofeedback enhances peak performance as well as addresses problems of brain disregulation. To name a few areas, it can help the anxiety-depression spectrum, attention deficits, behavior disorders, various sleep disorders, headaches and migraines, PMS and emotional disturbances. It is also useful for organic brain conditions such as seizures, the autism spectrum, and cerebral palsy.

Who can benefit from Neurofeedback training?
Neurofeedback is for child and adult alike. Just as both benefit from physical exercise, both benefit from this non-invasive mental exercise. Studies have shown that those with a wide spectrum of conditions benefit from Neurofeedback. To include: ADHD, autism, depression, anxiety, Aspergers, and more.

How long is the typical training program?
An average neurofeedback program runs 20-40 sessions at 45-50 min. per session. Some patients find they get the desired results sooner, and other patients working on multiple areas of functioning may need more sessions.

How is Neurofeedback done?
Sensors are attached to the scalp with EEG paste allowing a brain reading. The patient views a computer screen of games or scenes and the brain is rewarded as it trains and develops in the desired areas.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Is the Weight Loss System Neurofeedback?

The Diet-Free Alpha State Weight Loss System is not neurofeedback.  It is a life change, body and mind perspective changes, and reinforcements and changes that take place while training in an Alpha State.  Alpha State training is an ideal state for learning. It is when your brain is relaxed but aware.  A significant level of reeducation needs to accompany many of our thinking patterns about weight, body image, weight loss, and ideal body weight.  The world of dieting and the approaches just don't work long term for reasons explained as part of the weight loss program.  Even I find myself slipping back into thinking patterns that have dominated my mind set until recently. 

There is a money-back guarantee with the system.  If you have not lost weight in the 3-month program we offer, we'll refund your money.

Hope that answers your questions.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

A Client Went on Vacation and Lost Weight!

Even after eating deep fried fish and chips non-stop, finding a favorite bakery, and indulging at the local ice cream shop, one of our weight loss clients actually lost weight on vacation last week.  Instead of worrying about what he was eating while on vacation, he took the pressure off as learned in the Diet-Free Alpha State Weight Loss System approach.  He found he actually ate less of what he loved but still enjoyed everything he wanted to try.  He said he usually gains 5-10 pounds on vacation, but it was a nice change to not worry so much about the weight and what he was eating.  He went on long sightseeing walks, enjoyed the beautiful country, and the local cuisine.  To his pleasant surprise he actually lost 3 pounds!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Why is it Important to Understand Our Relationship with Food?

Once we understand what food and eating means to us, we can come face to face with why we are overweight and why we stay that way.  In the Diet-Free Alpha State Weight Loss System we take you through a mental exercise where you start to understand those answers.  Understanding what is at the core of your eating style, habits and your weight, sets the stage for the script you will listen to during your Alpha State training and your nightly training with the CD that is customized for you.

Believe it or not, some people overeat and want to be overweight without even thinking about it.  They are hiding behind their weight subconsciously.  The weight becomes a protection for them in a sense.  To lose the weight is like exposing themselves to something potentially emotionally or physically dangerous.
Others overeat because it gives them a sense of freedom.  There are no boundaries and restrictions as were perhaps given them in their childhood or youth.

Some people associate food with events or childhood feelings.  They use it as a grieving for a loss that happened years ago, without even realizing it.
Once we come face to face with what food means to us, we begin to understand more clearly our choices.  At that point we can change the relationship we have with food, and build a new one that includes us being thin.  It's very eye-opening and puts us on the path to self-awareness and weight loss and control.