Thursday, September 1, 2011

Famous People with ADD

Some of the most talented, creative, and successful people in this world have Attention Deficit Disorder also known as AD/HD.

Did you know that one of the most famous people with ADD was Albert Einstein?  Many people have asked the question, “What would our lives be like today if Einstein, one of the greatest minds of the last century, had been prescribed Ritalin?” Would he have been creative enough to come up with the theory of relativity or discover the law of the photoelectric effect? Maybe so, but who knows?
Check out this list of famous people who either have or are thought to have ADD or ADHD.

Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders
David Neeleman, Founder of JetBlue Airways
Paul Orfalea, Founder of Kinko's
Sir Richard Branson
Malcolm Forbes
Bill Gates

Alexander Graham Bell
Thomas Edison
Benjamin Franklin

Christopher Columbus

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

This is only a short list. So the next time you think of AD/HD as a curse, a disease or the worst thing that could have ever happened to you or your child, think again! You’re in good company with a lot of famous people.
List found at Thank you!

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